Two Teams!
To build a long term residual income with Vemma you are going to develop two teams, one left and one right team.
Exposure. Leaders are talking about “exposure” all the time. How many prospects have you exposed the opportunity and product to? Here are a few things to help shorten your learning curve with regards to exposing someone to the Vemma products and opportunity.
- Expose them to the business opportunity first, if possible.
Why do we do this? Because if you expose them to the product first,
and the prospect says "no", you don’t have anything to fall back on. If
you expose them to the business opportunity first, and they say "no" to
that, you can always ask them if their health is a priority and get them
to try the product. Sometimes people who have actually said "no" to the
business have come back and signed up after the product has worked for
them. It’s fun when that happens! (There will be times where you lead
with the product. Use your best judgement)
- Don’t "throw up" on your prospects! (meaning
don't give them to much information) We can’t stress this enough. Here
is the psychology behind this. If you corner your prospect and give them
a 30 minute speech on how great the product is, how fantastic the
business opportunity is and that they just have to join you, here is
what will happen. The prospect will take your card home, look up your
website online and think to themselves WOW this is a great website. I
think I would like to try this. What do I have to do? If they remember
the 30 minute speech you gave them they will probably not join. They
don’t want to give a 30 minute speech and what’s worse is they won’t be
able to find people who are willing to do that either.
- Keep It Simple. Get their business card or number.
Hand them a business card if they have Internet. If they don’t have
Internet and you feel they qualify, hand them Vemma Voice Journal and
tell them to watch the "Reinvent Your Life" and "Understanding Our
Business" on the DVD inside. Make arrangements to pick up the Journal in
48 hours or less and then walk away.
If they ask you what it’s all about, politely tell them you have an appointment and you have to run. You will call them and discuss the details. This way when they think back on how you approached them, they will remember how simple it was and they will believe they can do what you did. Remember, you can't say the wrong thing to the right person and you can't say the right thing to the wrong person. We are only sorting through prospects not selling or convincing anyone to participate in our opportunity!
Stacking Strategy!
When you approach someone with the business opportunity they can only give you 3 answers. Yes, No or Maybe. You shouldn't care which category they fall into. Here’s why.Let’s start with the No’s. If someone says no to the business, ask them if their health is a priority and see if they want to try the product. Tell them there is a money back guarantee and there is virtually no risk. Some of them will possibly join after the product works for them.
Next the Maybe’s. People will say to you “I can’t sell something unless I believe in it first, so let me try the product” or “let me see how you do with it, or call me when you are making money”. What I do with these people is put them “On The Fence”. I get them some product and I tell them I’m going to keep them posted on my progress, and I will follow up with them in a week or so on how they like the product.
Finally the people that say Yes! What I do with them is I get their pertinent information required to enroll someone. I tell them I’ll be putting them in the computer in a little bit. Then I go back to all the people who are "on the fence" and in the order in which I exposed them to the business, starting with the last person first, I tell them, “Hey I just recruited a person who is going to build Vemma with me. They are buying a builder pack and have already started making a list. Since I talked to you first would you like me to start building you a team while you are waiting for the product to work?”
I do this with everyone who is "on the fence." Every time I get another yes from a fence sitter I apply that to the next person. “Hey John, I have 3, 4, 5 people that I am putting in Vemma today. Since I talked to you first would you like to take a position and I’ll put those people under you?” I always try and leverage multiple people into the business with each sign up. People hate to lose position, pay attention to that next time you are driving.
You can teach this strategy to your teams and they can work together to recruit their fence sitters and build their common leg. Once you get two teams going on this strategy, every time youget a sign up you can have a contest between your two teams. “Whichever team brings in the most people in the next 24 to 48 hours gets this builder I am putting in!”
This strategy works like a charm!
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