New Business Revolution

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Why Should I Buy A Builder Pack?

It seems that I have been getting asked that question a lot lately by prospects. I find that people are open to buying the $1,000 package, but they want to know that it is the logical thing to do. So, here is what I tell people:

There are a lot of reasons to get started with a Gold Package ($1,000) package including:
  1. You will not leave money on the table because you are “grandfathered” in at the Gold level for 120 days. For example, if someone in your downline buys a Gold package you will earn a $200 fast start. If that person brings in another person with a Gold package, you will earn a $50 builder bonus if you are a Gold. That would only be $20 if you are a Silver and only $10 if you are a bronze.
  2. More importantly, people always duplicate the way they came in to the business. So if you join with $1,000 you tend to bring in others with $1,000 packages. What would you rather duplicate…$120 orders or $1,000 orders??
  3. Another big thing is the simple fact that people tend to be more committed if they have a bigger financial commitment.
  4. Lastly, the person who buys a $1,000 package has much more inventory to use for their own use and for samples. Time and time again I have had people wish they had ordered $1,000 package because they run out of product.
I’d love to hear any other reasons that you use when enrolling people. Also any questions you have about this. To me, there is only one way to get started and that is with the Gold package. If someone I am enrolling does not do that, I am reluctant to sign them up because it tells me they are not serious. Unless, of course, they don’t have the money. I mean they truly don’t have the money or any way of getting it. Even then, in my experience, if someone can’t find a way to come up with $1,000 then they will have trouble coming up with what it takes to make the business happen. What do you think about that?

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