New Business Revolution

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Coffee that’s healthy - NEW!

Especially for coffee lovers!. 
Have you try this? I am going to tell you that you really don't want to miss it. 

Coffee is more than a $100 billion dollar a year industry worldwide. $30 billion of that comes from the United States alone.
  • 54 percent of Americans over the age of 18 drink coffee every day
  • Coffee drinkers consume 3.1 cups of coffee (9 ounces) daily
  • 65 percent of coffee drinkers add cream or sugar
  • 60 percent of U.S. coffee drinkers claim they need a cup of coffee to star the day
  • 68 percent of coffee drinkers have a cup within the first hour of waking up
Introducing the Coffee that’s healthy! Vemma New Verve MoJoe Vanilla Latte

Vemma’s new MoJoe Vanilla Latte drink is now the healthiest coffee drink on the market. Made with premium Arabica coffee beans and lactose free, non-dairy coconut cream, the Verve MoJoe Coffee will be a fierce competitor to the iced coffee products from Rockstar and Monster, as well as the other major coffee brands.
With Verve MoJoe Coffee automatically shipped to your door every month, you can skip the trip to Starbucks, Coffee Bean, or McDonald’s every morning and do something beneficial for your health as well!
The Verve MoJoe Vanilla Latte is packed with the Vemma health formula:
  • 12 full spectrum vitamins
  • 56 plant sourced trace and ultra-trace minerals
  • Antioxidants from the mangosteen Fruit
  • Low Sugar
  • Gluten Free
  • 80 mg of natural caffeine per serving
  • 16oz Cans
Compare that with the amount of nutrition in your regular coffee and Verve MoJoe blows all the competition out of the water. 

Verve MoJoe vs. Starbucks Doubleshot Comparison Chart

$79,95 plus tax and shipping and handling for a 24 pack sets the price of the Verve Mojoe Coffee at roughly $3.35 a can. Vemma’s product lines coupled with the opportunity to own your own business part time or full time to earn residual income makes this opportunity one of the most attractive social network marketing companies of 2014. 
Vemma is quickly on its way to becoming the next multi-billion dollar direct sales giant. Currently the company is projecting $500 million in sales for 2014, so be prepared to hear about Vemma’s growth throughout the next few decades.
To order the Verve MoJoe go to