Some other Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What is this business?
A: This is Internet Network Marketing (MLM). Understand more about Network Marketing in 21st Century.
A: This is Internet Network Marketing (MLM). Understand more about Network Marketing in 21st Century.
“I am often asked if Network Marketing
is a Pyramid Scheme. My reply is that corporations really are pyramid
schemes. A corporation has only one person at the top, generally the
CEO, and everyone else below.” — Donald Trump, Entrepreneur and Author
“Network marketing gives people the
opportunity, with very low risk and very low financial commitment, to
build their own income-generating asset and acquire great wealth.” — Robert T. Kiyosaki, Entrepreneur and Author
Q: I don’t like to sell…
A: This is not selling and I never sell a single product to family, relative or friends. All the products are autoship and customers are require to maintain an account with company. Company will then handle the ordering and shipping.
A: This is not selling and I never sell a single product to family, relative or friends. All the products are autoship and customers are require to maintain an account with company. Company will then handle the ordering and shipping.
Q: I don’t like to chase after
people, I don’t know how to get people to join me, I’m not good in
sponsoring people and I afraid to get lots of rejection…
A: In Vemma, we have a good system – Vemma Builder for you. Vemma Builder has a series of effective following up emails to do the sorting and sponsoring. What we need to do is to focus on inviting people to fill in the form. If they are interested, they will come back to you and ask more questions. Sometimes, they will just sign up and become a Brand Partner Vemma without your notice.
A: In Vemma, we have a good system – Vemma Builder for you. Vemma Builder has a series of effective following up emails to do the sorting and sponsoring. What we need to do is to focus on inviting people to fill in the form. If they are interested, they will come back to you and ask more questions. Sometimes, they will just sign up and become a Brand Partner Vemma without your notice.
Q: What is the start up costs for Vemma Business?
A: To learn more on the start up costs and the Bonus qualification (in your country’s currency), follow steps below:
1) Login to with your ID and password, If you have forgotten your login details, you can use the Forgotten Password link to have it emailed to you again.
2) Go to “Our Products”
**Remarks: If you never register your Free account, fill form at this page to get your ID & password.
A: To learn more on the start up costs and the Bonus qualification (in your country’s currency), follow steps below:
1) Login to with your ID and password, If you have forgotten your login details, you can use the Forgotten Password link to have it emailed to you again.
2) Go to “Our Products”
**Remarks: If you never register your Free account, fill form at this page to get your ID & password.
Q: Any success stories in Vemma?
A: There are many success stories for Brand Partner Vemma. However the success is a lot depends on effort and time you’ve put into the business. You can always have better results if you are doing the correct activities in Vemma.
A: There are many success stories for Brand Partner Vemma. However the success is a lot depends on effort and time you’ve put into the business. You can always have better results if you are doing the correct activities in Vemma.
A: Follow Vemma Action Plan and Vemma Success Road Map. Always work together with your upline and team members.
If you have more questions, you can always reach me via the following:
Skype ID: wongmike2002
Contact: +6016-8786007 (Malaysia)
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